Last updated on 16/05/24

A CV may be just two pages long, but it is one of the most deceiving documents a translator can work on. People often underestimate the complexity of making a good CV in another language. They think it is a straight translation. The truth is, making a high-quality and effective CV in another language goes beyond translation and involves many steps that are often overlooked.

In this article I share four things you need to bear in mind when requesting the translation of your CV.

It is not translation.

What we often refer to ‘CV translation’ is not translation; at least, not just translation.

Making a CV in another language (if made well), involves many tasks. These are, for example, the usual steps I take when translating a CV for a client:

Reading job descriptions of the role(s) you want to apply for.

If you want your CV to be effective, it needs to be specific and relevant to the role you are applying for. A general CV listing everything you have done so far, from casual summer jobs to your latest managerial position abroad will look random. It will not impress employers, as it will include unnecessary and irrelevant details. It will also make your CV longer, which is something you should always avoid. Reading job descriptions against your current CV helps me choose only relevant information and get acquainted with the specific terminology used in your field.

Selecting the information to include in your CV, and check if the current information available is sufficient

Your current CV may lack some important information or details or may be poorly written. If that is the case, I will need to contact you to clarify any points and ask for further details.

Finding equivalents for job titles, tasks and responsibilities, qualifications and specialised terminology in the target language and culture

Not all the job titles have direct equivalents in another country. A job may be carried out by one person in the UK, but it may be carried out by two people under two different roles in Spain, for example. A translator needs to do extensive research to find equivalents or alternative translation solutions for job titles, tasks, qualifications, CPD courses, and abbreviations.

Translating the content to be included in your CV

Once the key terminology has been researched, it is time to translate the selected content into the target language.

Creating a comprehensive, yet brief and appealing profile description

The profile section is probably the most important part of your CV and the first thing an employer sees. It needs to be concise while being comprehensive enough to encapsulate your experience and knowledge in 2-3 lines of text. It needs to say ‘I’m the right candidate for this position. Keep reading.’

Adding extra elements and information required or expected

CV in different countries may include different elements. For example, the convention in the UK is to not include a photograph on your CV (recruiters want to avoid the possibility of any discrimination claims), any Spanish recruiter or employer will expect to see a picture of you on your CV.

Adapting the format, font, colours, etc.

To make your CV stand out, it may be necessary or advisable to adapt the format, re-arrange sections or change the font and the colours.

Re-writing and cutting out information or specific sections

Your current CV in English may be two pages long but bear in mind the text may be shorter or longer when translated. For example, Spanish translations are usually 15-30% longer than the original English texts. Your CV in Spanish will run over two and a half pages now, so your translator will have some tough work to do here reading, cutting out and re-writing sections to shorten your CV. Sometimes, cutting out isn’t enough, and it will be necessary to tweak the font type or size and to play with margins and spacing.

Sending a first draft and receiving feedback

Reading the client’s feedback and making any changes

Reviewing the CV

Once I have made any required changes, it is time for review. I generally do several different reviews – one to check all the content is correct and terminology has been translated correctly; a second one to check the style and consistency; and a third one to check punctuation, spelling and key information (names, dates, contact details).

Sending the final version

When your Spanish CV is ready to go, I send the final version in the agreed format, together with a list of the changes made to the first draft, and any comments or suggestions.

It is not a quick job.

As you can see, translating a CV involves many tasks, and they all take time. Let’s use the process mentioned in the previous section to make a rough calculation of how long it can take (as an example) to translate a 2-page CV:

•Reading job descriptions.
•Selecting the information to include in your CV.
•Research specialised terminology.
•Translating the content to be included in your CV.
•Creating a profile description.
•Adding extra elements and information required or expected.
•Adapting the format, font, colours, etc.
•Re-writing and cutting out information or specific sections.
•Sending a first draft and receiving feedback.
•Reading the client’s feedback and making any changes.
•Reviewing the CV.
•Sending the final version and comments.


Time required

15 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
2 hours
30 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
30 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
40 minutes
10 minutes

6 hours

This is just an estimate. It could take longer, if the CV is for someone looking for a highly-specialised role (think of engineers, IT specialists or financial advisors), but it will very rarely take much less, if all those steps are followed.

It’s not an easy or cheap job.

CVs may generally have two pages (or even one), but they’re the most deceiving two pages you can imagine. They’re packed with all sorts of specialised information requiring research and translation. The translator may need to contact you to ask for more context, clarification or information. Then there is the actual translation, formatting, re-writing, reviewing and so on, as seen above. Needless to say, you should stay away from automatic translation tools.

Do not underestimate the time and effort needed to produce a high-quality and effective CV in another language and beware of surprisingly cheap (< £60) quotes. We have seen above that translating a two-page CV can take 6 hours, so do your sums when receiving quotes. And remember: the amount quoted does not go straight to the translator’s pocket. It is gross income, and taxes must be paid.

Getting your CV translated is an investment.

Poorly-written texts, typos, grammar and punctuation mistakes, Comic Sans, low-quality or inappropriate photographs, irrelevant personal details… I have seen them all, and I am still surprised at how many people undervalue the importance of a good CV.

[Tweet “A good CV can make a huge difference to your career, so think about it as an investment.”]

I give you an example:

Last year, I got contacted by a recent graduate with no professional experience, apart from an internship. She had been applying for entry-level jobs in the hospitality industry for several months, to no avail. She blamed her lack of experience for not receiving any calls for interviews, but I disagreed. She was applying for the right jobs, but with the wrong CV. It was poorly-written, poorly-formatted and it lacked essential information.

During a consultancy session, I went through her qualifications, experience and interests, and made a list of all the skills she had and that she did not include in her CV. She did not need a long CV. A one-page professional and relevant CV would work well.

I made a new CV in Spanish for her almost from scratch, and after only a week, she called me unbelievably excited to say she had been called for 3 interviews at good companies. She eventually got hired from one of them.

Have you been sending your CV to hundreds of companies, but it hasn’t got you far? Then, you need to try a different strategy. Focus on a specific role and make a CV that is relevant and to the point.

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The information included in this article is correct at the time of publication/last update. This article is for informational purposes only, does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. ICR Translations will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from loss of data or profits as a result of, or in connection with, the use of this website.

Irene Corchado Resmella, a Spanish translator based in Edinburgh. English-Spanish sworn translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chartered Linguist and member of the CIOL. As a legal translator, I focus on Private Client law, specialising in Wills and Succession across three jurisdictions (England & Wales, Spain, and Scotland). Affiliate member of STEP. ICR Translations is registered with the ICO and has professional indemnity insurance.

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